CBD… Made From Yeast?

Have you ever had CBD created from yeast? If you haven’t, you might soon! California based Demetrix told FoodNavigatorUSA: “There is room for both types of products on the market, but the industry is facing a supply challenge as it looks to agriculture as its...

Can CBD Treat Acne?

It may seem like an odd question, but actually CBD has some impact when it comes to acne! As this article in MedicalNewsToday points out: “CBD oil may help reduce various types of acne thanks to its ability to adjust how the body creates sebum. Sebum is a waxy, oily...

Hemp: The New Cash Crop Of 2019?

There has been a mad rush for farmers to change their fields to hemp after the 2018 Farm Bill Act was signed in December of last year. With that bill not only did hemp get removed from the tier one controlled substances list, it also allowed farmers to insure their...

What Is The Strangest CBD Product?

As the CBD industry has exploded over the past few years, we’ve seen an equal explosion in the product offering and innovation coming from all of the new companies! A few years ago, the product shelves were mainly stocked with Tinctures, lotions and a few choices of...