We often get asked how CBD affects heart health. Until formal FDA studies are ran the results are inconclusive, but preliminary studies are proving to be promising. From Express.co.uk:
“High blood pressure affects more than a quarter of adults in the UK, according to the NHS. The condition is serious, as if left untreated it can lead to dangerous health problems like heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure can often be lowered without the need for medication, simply by making some lifestyle changes. Some studies have also shown CBD oil may help to improve the condition.” It then goes on to say, ”According to medical website Healthline, recent research has linked CBD with “several benefits” for the heart and circulatory system, including the ability to lower high blood pressure…In one study, 10 healthy men were given one dose each of 600mg of CBD oil. The results found it reduced resting blood pressure when compared to a placebo.”
Have you had success with lowering your blood pressure with CBD? If so let us know in the comments below!